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The Customer Journey Map: Level-Up Your Business Strategy

abstract, vibrant digital art portraying a customer journey map
Learn how a customer journey map can enhance your business strategy by uncovering essential customer experience insights.

Entrepreneurs strive to provide the best experience for customers. But how can we better understand our customers’ needs, predict their behaviors, and improve their satisfaction with our business offerings? The answer lies in creating a customer journey map.

A customer journey map visually represents the end-to-end customer experience with a business. The map illustrates different touchpoints and customer interactions with a company before, during, and after purchasing. Creating a customer journey map helps business leaders walk in the customer’s shoes. Leaders can better understand customers’ obstacles and decision-making processes by doing so. Likewise, mapping the journey reveals the customer’s needs, emotions, and expectations at each touchpoint with a business.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of customer journey maps and the different types of mapping structures. We’ll also provide real-life examples of companies successfully utilizing customer journey maps to enhance their business strategies.

What is a Customer Journey Map?

A thoughtfully crafted customer journey map can help entrepreneurs better understand their customers and develop practical solutions that meet their needs. Mapping out the customers’ journey helps reveal pain points in customers’ experience that could cause a business to lose customers. Likewise, the process can highlight critical opportunities to improve the customer’s experience and provide better service.

customer journey map example

A customer journey map is a strategic tool to understand how customers experience a product or service. By creating a map of the customer’s journey, businesses can uncover invaluable insights into how customers behave. These insights help inform decisions about the design of products and services, ensuring customers have the best possible experience with a brand. Furthermore, a journey map can reveal other customers’ unmet needs and areas in the business that can improve its process.

Why is a Customer Journey Map Important?

Customer journey maps has become increasingly popular as businesses seek to improve customer service experiences. These maps aim to visualize a customer’s experience across multiple channels and touchpoints, creating a reference business optimization. There is no exact design a customer journey map must take, and the focus of the map depends on the designer’s goal. Ultimately, an effective map will illustrate how customers interact with the company at each stage in their journey, called touchpoints and identify areas of improvement or further satisfy customer expectations.

Different Structures for a Customer Journey Map

In today’s competitive market, customer experience is everything. That’s why the customer journey map is an increasingly popular tool applicable to new and established businesses.

A customer journey map is typically structured in one of four ways, depending on the different scenarios a customer may encounter. Typically, the four types of journey maps companies design include, current state, future state, day-in-the-life, and service blueprint. There is no need to chart all four, but it is helpful to understand each and select the one that matches a business goal.

    1. Current State: The current state customer journey map focuses on understanding your customers’ experience and pain points as they interact with your business or organization. It maps out each step of a customer’s process, from initial contact to after-sale follow-up. This map type helps identify areas where the business can improve the customer experience.
    2. Future State: Future state customer journey maps focus on what the ideal customer experience should look like. It’s a visualization of what could be and what you want your customers to experience. It serves as a guide to help identify opportunities for innovation and improvement while considering business goals and customer needs.
    3. Day-in-the-Life: Day-in-the-life customer journey maps are designed to help you empathize with your customer by better understanding their daily routine and how your product or service fits into it. This type of map illustrates a detailed account of a customer’s daily routine, including the points at which they interact with your brand, their pain points, and other relevant details that can help you understand their perspective.
    4. Service Blueprint: A service blueprint journey map shows the internal processes and systems that support the customer journey. It looks at how different departments, teams, and procedures within your organization work together to deliver a seamless customer experience. This map type helps identify areas where businesses can improve internal processes to support the customer journey.

Understanding these four types of maps can help you better understand different aspects of your customer’s journey and identify opportunities for improving their experience with your business or organization. Remember that there is no need to chart all four types of maps. But it can be helpful to understand each so you can select the one that best fits your goal.

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Benefits of Creating a Customer Journey Map

A customer journey map is invaluable for understanding the customer’s end-to-end experience with a business. By illuminating all points of contact, from initial discoverability to post-investment relations, companies can identify customer needs more effectively and, therefore, design better user experiences. 

Additionally, anticipating missed opportunities and mapping out the customer journey provides businesses with foresight into potential problem areas and fix issues before they cause issues. Companies must take advantage of the multiple benefits offered by customer journey maps to gain an edge in today’s competitive market.

    1. Identify Customer Needs: By mapping out the touchpoints and interactions a customer has with your business, you can identify pain points and areas where you can improve the customer experience. Creating a customer journey map allows you to see your business through the eyes of your customer, which in turn will enable you to make more informed decisions about how to improve your offerings.
    2. Improve User Experience: A customer journey map allows you to analyze the steps customers take to interact with businesses and purchase. By enhancing these touchpoints, you can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. Happy customers are more likely to recommend your company to others, which can lead to increased revenue and growth.
    3. Anticipate Missed Opportunities: By understanding the customer journey, you can identify opportunities for upselling or cross-selling products or services. Customers are likelier to purchase from a business they trust and feel understood.
example of a typical customer journey map template

Real Life Examples of a Customer Journey Map

These examples demonstrate how customer journey maps can reveal improvement areas and create a better user experience. By understanding a customer’s journey, companies can implement changes to enhance customer satisfaction, increase customer loyalty, and differentiate themselves from competitors.

AirBNB logo to represent customer journey map example


Airbnb created a customer journey map focused on making the experience of booking and staying in a property. The goal was to make the customer’s experience smoother and more personalized. The company identified several key pain points to improve, including the booking process, host communication, and customer support. By mapping the guest experience, Airbnb offered more personalized recommendations based on a guest’s search history, streamlined the booking process, and provided better support through chat and phone channels. These changes led to increased guest satisfaction and a higher rate of return bookings.

In addition to customer experience improvements, the customer journey map helped Airbnb identify opportunities to differentiate itself from traditional hotels through unique perks, such as offering local recommendations and experiences customized to each guest’s interests.


Microsoft utilized a customer journey map to enhance its Dynamics 365 software platform. The map identified areas where customers struggled with the platform, such as understanding the user interface and navigating the software. By mapping out the customer’s journey, Microsoft was able to identify specific pain points and develop a more intuitive user interface that simplified navigation, making it easier for customers to perform tasks efficiently.

In addition to these software improvements, the customer journey map helped Microsoft identify areas where they could provide additional support and training to customers, such as through online tutorials and customer service representatives. These changes led to increased customer satisfaction and a higher adoption rate of the software platform.


Customer journey maps are a powerful tool for businesses to understand the customers’ perspective of their products and services. By creating customer journey maps, companies can deconstruct customer experiences to identify opportunities to improvement product or service offered. Once the customer experience and needs are determined, organizations can develop strategies to serve better and enhance the customer experience. By understanding the entire experience from a customer’s point of view, customer journey mapping helps create improved products, better services, and happier customers.

Suggestions for Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about customer journey maps, here are some helpful resources:

Do you have experience with customer journey mapping? How has it helped your business? Share your insights in the comments below!


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