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Essential Questions to Answer in Your Business Plan Outline

a digital image of a cool female entrepreneur in a suit on her way to write a business plan outline.
Before writing a comprehensive & persuasive business plan outline, make sure you can answer these basic questions about your business.

For entrepreneurs, a solid business plan is essential to success. But before you get out and woo investors with your strategic genius, you need to create the plan. And before you write an entire 40-page plan, you should start with a business plan outline.

But what should you include in your business plan outline? This can be a tricky question, especially if you’re new to business or just starting up. To help get your business creativity going, here is a list of critical questions your business plan should answer. 

Consider creating your outline around these foundational questions and use them to help you refocus as your plan writing progresses. 

Management Structure

      • Who will run the business?
      • What executive positions will the company have?
      • How many employees?
      • Who will manage employees? 

Service Details

      • What services do you provide?
      • What is the primary service?
      • What can add-ons (if any) be sold with the primary service? business plan outline

Revenue Streams

        • How does the business make money (revenue streams)?
        • What is the structure of costs for the customer?
        • Is there one fixed price for services?
            • Or do customers pay hourly?
            • A subscription?
        • Does the customer pay it upfront? Or after services are rendered?
        • Will multiple services be offered at a packaged price, if applicable?

Pricing Strategy

      • What is the cost of services?
      • How is this cost determined? 
      • Will customers consider this affordable or a “premium service”?

Social Impact

      • What impact do you want this business to have on the community?
      • What defines a successful result? Business plan outline

When considering these questions for your business plan outline, consider conducting a SWOT analysis to help gain more insight into your business. Check out this post for more guidance: Conducting a SWOT Analysis? Here are Critical Questions to Consider.


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