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Fast Fashion Brands are Out & Used Fashion is in

Woman in a yellow dress, sitting on top of a mountain of fast fashion brands clothing at the dump.
Explore the shifting trends in the fashion industry as consumers embrace secondhand clothing over fast fashion brands.

As consumer consciousness shifts towards sustainability, the secondhand fashion industry is thriving while fast fashion brands stumble on the catwalk. According to a recent NielsonIQ report, 78 percent of US consumers prioritize a sustainable lifestyle, and more than 60 percent are willing to pay extra for environmentally and ethically sustainable products (McKinsey, 2020). In line with these trends, used clothing is becoming increasingly popular, offering sustainability-minded consumers an alternative to overpriced fast fashion brands. This article delves into the world of fashion, exploring why used is in and fast fashion is on the way out.

The Longstanding Reign of Fast Fashion Brands

Fast fashion brands emerged in the 1980s as a business model focused on maximizing profit. By the late 1990s, this model had dominated the mainstream fashion market. However, the profitability of fast fashion comes at a price. Rapid production allows these brands to offer many styles each season, leading to increased clothing waste that often ends up in landfills. The pursuit of low-cost output to maximize profit compromises ethical and environmental considerations.

Younger Consumers Shun Fast Fashion Brands

Millennial and Gen Z consumers, empowered by social media, have embraced transparency and demand ethical and sustainable fashion choices. They are turning away from fast fashion brands contributing to waste and exploiting workers. These younger consumers prioritize clothing that aligns with their values, seeking affordable, high-quality alternatives. Secondhand fashion meets these requirements and prevents them from supporting fast fashion brands’ negative ethical and environmental impacts.

Fast Fashion Brands' Dark Toll on the Environment

The environmental implications of the fast fashion industry are extensive. Fast-fashion production relies on water-intensive processes like fabric dyeing and garment washing, harming humans and the environment. Synthetic fabrics such as polyester contribute to microplastic pollution in waterways and harm marine life. The rapid production and constant introduction of new collections generate massive textile waste.

The Social Implications of the Fast Fashion Brand

The fast fashion industry has transformed how people consume fashion, perpetuating an unsustainable cycle where increasing amounts of clothing end up in landfills instead of being recycled. The working conditions in fast fashion factories are often poor, with employees subjected to long hours and low pay. Moreover, the culture surrounding fast fashion promotes a disposable mindset toward clothing rather than valuing longevity and care.

Buying Secondhand Clothing

Choosing to buy secondhand clothing not only reduces your environmental impact but also promotes ethical practices. Secondhand fashion offers unique, high-quality pieces made with care, unlike fast fashion brands produced under exploitative conditions. Extending the lifespan of garments through secondhand shopping helps divert clothes from landfills and saves resources like water and paper. It contributes to a circular economy, countering the linear “take, make, dispose of” model dominating the fashion industry.

Several apps are available for consumers to buy and sell used clothing, each with its features and benefits. Depop, for instance, allows users to create profiles, list items for sale, browse listings, and communicate with buyers and sellers through the app’s messaging system. is another popular online secondhand store specializing in high-quality used clothing. With a wide variety of apparel for women, men, and children, offers free shipping and a money-back guarantee, ensuring customer satisfaction.


The rising popularity of the secondhand fashion market reflects a growing awareness among consumers about the need to reduce their environmental and social footprints. Buying used clothing helps divert clothes from landfills, promotes ethical practices, and encourages a more sustainable fashion industry. By embracing secondhand fashion and supporting apps like Depop and ThredUp, consumers can make a positive impact while still enjoying unique and stylish clothing. The shift towards secondhand fashion signifies a promising future for the fashion industry that prioritizes sustainability and ethical responsibility.

Do you have any tips for shopping secondhand? Let us know in the comments!


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